
Key Features:

  1. Product Listing:

    • Displays a collection of shoes available for purchase.

    • Each product is showcased with an image, name, price, and brief description.

  2. Product Details:

    • Users can click on any shoe to view more detailed information, including a larger image, a full description, available sizes, and colors.

  3. Shopping Cart:

    • Users can add their selected shoes to a shopping cart.

    • The cart displays the list of chosen products along with their quantities and total price.

    • Users can update quantities or remove items from the cart.

  4. Responsive Design:

    • The application is designed to be fully responsive, ensuring a seamless experience across various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.


Technologies Used:

  • Vue.js: The core framework used to build the front-end of the application, enabling a reactive and component-based architecture.

  • Vue Router: Manages navigation between different pages in the application (e.g., Home, Product Details, Cart).

  • Vuex: Handles state management, allowing for the efficient handling of product data and cart information across the application.

  • CSS: Custom styles are applied to ensure the application is visually appealing and user-friendly.


Project Structure:

  • src/:

    • assets/: Stores images (product photos, icons, etc.).

    • components/: Reusable components like product cards, filters, and the shopping cart.

    • layouts/: Contains overall site layouts, such as the main layout and checkout layout.

    • pages/: Full-page components, like Home, Product Details, Cart, and Checkout.

    • router/: Defines routes for different pages like product listings and cart.

    • store/: Vuex store for state management (e.g., product data, cart, user authentication).

    • boot/: Manages initial app setup and plugin configuration.

  • public/: Contains the index.html and public assets.

  • package.json: Manages project dependencies and scripts.